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jk -h
Jikken is a CLI tool for automated API testing.
It utilizes JKT files (Jikken Test Definitions) to execute jobs for testing REST APIs.
It has first-class support on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Visit for more info.
run Execute tests
dryrun Execute tests without calling API endpoints
list List test files
format Format test files
validate Validate test files
new Create a new test
update Update Jikken (if a newer version exists)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-e, --env <env> Indicate which environment tests are executing against
This is not used unless tests are reporting to the Jikken.IO platform via an API Key
-p, --project <proj> Indicate which project tests belong to
This is not used unless tests are reporting to the Jikken.IO platform via an API Key
-c, --config_file <config_file> Specify path to a Jikken configuration file
By default, optional ".jikken" files can be placed in the current directory
and the user's home directory. This option instructs jikken to use the
provided path instead of the optional .jikken file in the current directory
-q, --quiet Enable quiet mode, suppresses all console output
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode, provides more detailed console output
--trace Enable trace mode, provides exhaustive console output
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


Prints a description of Jikken, and lists all possible commands and options.

You can also check the currently installed version using the -V option.


Print commands and options to the console.
‑VPrint the currently installed version.